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Statement 23-2

$150 /Dose - (Guaranteed Settle)

Statement Day $290,000 Top Selling Duroc Boar Ever
318-13 Last Drop x Brake Lights 24-6 x He's the One

Reg Number:

Litter Size:

Bred By:
Jesse And Max Heimer, MO
Owned By:
Shipley Swine Genetics

Jesse and Karl Peters, Jesse's herdsman, both say this young boar looks like his sire. When I was at Heimer's in May, Karl told me the power of their Durocs is coming from the sow side (the heaviest structure, the maturity pattern that allows them to get really special is because of their sow power) The 318 litter sows are a main cog in their system. This guy's dam is 318-13, she is the granddam of Statement Day. That makes Statement 23-2 a line bred 318-13. Study your lesson, look at the picture of Statement 23-2 at 5 months on this webpage and then study the main picture taken at 6 months. Look at the difference in maturity, the bone just keeps coming because it is flat and the feet are right. Statement 23-2 has a tremendous skeleton, his comfort level is off the charts, his length of hip, his rib cage expansion, his hip and build are special and then you talk muscle. His top shape, his big square rump, the size of his loin. His sex drive is off the charts which is hard to find in boars these days! Thanks Jesse and Karl, this is a fantastic boar find!